
FORM 1st!!! (Anchor those blades!)

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August 18, 2012 by corechicjodi

As a fitness instructor, I often see shoulders creeping up toward ears as people are using weights when working on their arms, shoulders & even ab toning (and wondering the next day why their necks hurt!) By doing this they usually are not using proper form and getting “sloppy” —using other muscles rather then those they are really trying to work on. My BiGGEST rule: FORM 1st!! I am constantly reminding my classes to “anchor their shoulders down their back…” (yes even during some ab exercises and ALWAYS during planks. You’ll really feel your abs engage!) I find using visualizations really help so here’s mine: visualize you are wearing jeans that have back pockets. Picture sliding your shoulder blades down your back and “anchoring” them into those back pockets. (You will really need to focus and continue reminding yourself this during your workout, as I do my class). Go ahead, give it a try….And remember: FORM 1st! šŸ˜‰

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