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August 25, 2012 by corechicjodi

I ran into a friend last night that lost weight through dieting & regular exercise.  Knowing he was on a special wheat free diet I asked how he did it, because I know that would be tough for me.  He said at first it wasn’t easy, but then he got used to it.  What willpower I thought!   Any time we have to give up something that we enjoy or have become used to daily it’s never easy.  The key is time, patience and most importantly: WILLPOWER!

Initially the 1st hurdle of course is missing it, wanting it, craving it.  It is never easy!  If you want successful results then always remember: you CAN do it! (And doesn’t it seem once you started giving it up you crave it and miss it even more?!  Yes, everyone goes through that so it’s not just you!)

Here are what I consider helpful tips to aid you in achieving a positive end result:
*Set a goal and focus on it.  Picture that goal in your head when you want to reach out for that thing you are trying to give up but missing.

*Each morning (before you even step foot out of bed) “psych yourself up” for what you want to achieve today — think of it as a coaches “pep” talk before a big game!  (PS: you’re the coach!!)
*Cut out inspirational words or pictures and post them around your home, office, etc. Set them on your smart phone, maybe as wallpaper, as constant reminders!  For example, if you are dieting find a picture of someone that inspires you (even if it is a supermodel or superhero!  Whatever works for YOU as YOUR inspiration!) and put it on the refrigerator so every time you go to open that refrig. door you have no choice but to stop and look at that pic–bet it makes you think twice before indulging!
*If you are trying to give up something, for example cigarettes, then get a jar and fill it with the money you would have put toward that pack of smokes.  When you have finally kicked the habit treat yourself to something special with the money you saved—you deserve it!
*Have friends and family help out.  Let them know what it is you are trying to give up and have them encourage you when you feel you need the additional support.  I also think when we tell someone we are less likely to indulge when they are around since we know “they know” and are “watching”.  Most people hate to disappoint and look like failures, especially to those we respect!
*If giving up a certain food or dieting, then when out shopping picture your friend shopping with you.  If you were to pick up that item/items & put them into your cart what would that friend say/think?  Also think this: “what if I run into that friend on the check-out line and I have this in my cart?”  (Bet you decide against it!)
*Life is short, so reward yourself at the end of the week once you have achieved your weekly goal.  Make it something positive that you enjoy & will look forward to each week.  (However, be sure that it doesn’t contradict all that you have successfully achieved during the week.  Try to make it something that “benefits” you!)

As the saying goes “where there’s a will, there’s a way”.  Isn’t that the truth??!!?
Good luck, stay strong…remember: you CAN do it!

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